Zarcare Blog

How Modern Healthcare Makes Healthy Living Easier than Ever

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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for everyone, and with the advancements in modern medicine and telehealthcare services, it has become easier for South Africans to achieve this goal. Telehealthcare services such as Zarcare have enabled people to access quality healthcare services remotely through technology from the comfort of their homes or workplaces, improving member

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The Dangers of Using Unregulated Cosmetics

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Cosmetics are products we use daily to enhance our appearance, hygiene, and well-being. But how do we know if they are safe for our health? Unfortunately, the answer is not very reassuring. In the United States, cosmetics and their ingredients are not subject to premarket approval or safety review by the Food and Drug Administration

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Diabetes and Mental Health: Explore the Connection Between Diabetes and Mental Well-being

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Diabetes is a chronic medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide. The condition is characterised by high blood sugar levels, which can lead to various health complications.  While diabetes management typically involves vigilant blood sugar monitoring and medication, careful dietary choices, and significant lifestyle adjustments, an often overlooked aspect of diabetes care is its impact

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Regular Doctor Visits After 30: The Need for Positive Mindset Among Men

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Many men tend to avoid going to the doctor unless they have a serious health problem or an emergency. They may think that they are too busy, too healthy, or too tough to need regular check-ups. However, this attitude can harm their health and well-being, especially as they age. In this blog post, I will

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The Most Prominent Cancers Among Men Under 40 in South Africa

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Cancer is a significant public health problem in South Africa, affecting people of all ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. According to the 2019 National Cancer Registry (NCR), there were 108,168 new cases of invasive cancer diagnosed in the country, of which 51,059 were in males¹. However, the burden of cancer is not equally distributed

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Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: A Leading Cause of Death of South African Adolescents

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Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are any infections that affect the lungs or the airways below the voice box. They include pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, tuberculosis, and influenza. LRTIs are a major public health problem worldwide, especially in low- and middle-income countries, which account for about 11% of all deaths¹. In South Africa, LRTIs are the

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